Since 2014, I've been extremely blesssed to have created a way of life where work and play are not seperated. I realized that I was living in a box and needed to think outside the box to achieve the success we all long for in life. The results of this success has given my friends, family and others an opportunity to speak to thousands of people teaching, mentoring, and encouraging them to chase the dreams GOD has put in the Mind, Heart & Soul!
It took me most of my life to realize I spent my time and energy on businesses that did not or could not produce passive income. I was learning from my environment and not from the mentors who had what I wanted, needed and desired in my life..... More Time & Money!
I was flat broke and had to make a change. I had failed relationships, confronted with a mountain of debt ranging from the IRS, State Taxes, Credit Cards and more. I had no time to spend with my kids and missed numerous events in their lives. I knew things needed to change or I was going head first in the a train wreck.
I told myself, If I don't change something I will continue to see the same results. What am I passionate about? What does GOD have for me? My Dreams? I am not promissed tomorrow and knew I had very limited time to achieve my Goals. I was facing a brain tumor that derailed my thinking and chose to Live My Life to the Fullest 24/7.
I made the choice to simply say, "Let's Go! Make It Happen!"
I identified my passions and placed GOD first! Life has never been the same since and I can show you how to get your Time back and have more Money! The link in this page will allow you to fill out a form to be contracted on how you can break free of what's been holding you back. Let's together start chasing your passions, dreams and WIN!